About Us

There are numerous financial portfolios by which individuals and families invest or save their money. These include checking and savings accounts, money markets, Certificate of Deposit (CD), 401K, 403B, 457 accounts, Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Roth IRA, stocks and crypto currencies, annuities, bonds, life insurance, and many more. Most often, many of us have little, inadequate or no knowledge about these portfolios in which we put our hard-earned monies, thereby exposing us to dire financial management errors and lifetime losses, with associated consequences.

In this regard, SmartWealth Consult is established to bridge the gap between financial ignorance and smart financial planning and management. We provide financial education to individuals and families to equip everyone with adequate knowledge and skills to better manage their finances. With in-depth financial knowhow, each person becomes better positioned to propel themselves toward financial freedom.

Our mission, therefore, is NO FAMILY LEFT BEHIND.

We humbly invite you to join us in this fight against financial ignorance.